Saturday, November 23, 2013


Pope John Paul II had said that the bed of a married couple becomes and altar. They become one flesh and one body. One soul and one mind. The first time when both the male and female are completely vulnerable and naked, becoming part of God's plan. The purpose of reproduction and sustenance of human life and humanity.
            Now, i am not going to be talking about marriage or sex life or the twisted relationship between the two. I am going to be talking about my views on contraception. A few centuries ago or even a few decades ago, being pregnant before being married was frowned upon. In the early and still existing Jewish and Muslin traditions, contraception is not promoted and followed. This practice was mainly to ensure the upkeep of the Holiness and integrity of the marriage institution and the sex involved.
            Sex was meant to not be the driving force behind people getting married rather, it was designed as a lubricant or bond that held together the intimacy and trust and mutual surrendering in between couples. Raising kids and passing on traditions was the prime intended purpose behind the establishment of the marriage and family institutions.
              People can argue saying that families are not really necessary for the development of a child as we can see from the examples of many nobodies who became somebodies in life.But do all nobodies became somebodies? Human beings are biologically animals but the arguments basedbon general animal behaviour comparisonnis not valid as we are mentally nd psycjologically alienated from the rest pf the  organisms in known existence.
              Homosexuality is infact observed in animals. But don't cats follow lazers nd dogs fetch stuff? Don't monkeys imitate people? Don't rabbits hump anything? It is humanity that makes us human not the animostiy or the barbaric and self pleasing acts and the so called basic instincts. And the term basi insticts has even lost its true meaning. The basic instincts are the ones that are basically absolutely necessary to ensure the survival and existence. Which include but is not limited to hunger, thirst, security and reproduction.
            Sex is just a constituent in biological process that leads to a healthy relationship and is not intended to be a mere means of pleasure. Man becomes just another animal and not humane when sex is objectised. It is not a commodity of trade, it is not to be gambled with. Scientifically its proven that during sexual activity the brain produces certain neurochemicals that creates a bonding between the parties involved, this biochemical and psychological bond is what keeps married couples close.
                 Even though, unintentional and unwanted, adulterers and victims of sexual exploitation also experience this unbreakable link formation. Almost as if a part of eachothers souls get exchanged between the partners. Contraception just prevents the physiological aspect of the chemical bondage.
            Also having the contraceptive option has a direct and indifferent effect on objectivising women and antifeminism.Also, the health risks that relate to th consumption of these contraceptive pills or sypplements. The effects of these contraceptive could even result in infertility very long after the usage of them as missfortunate wanna be mothers who can never bare children no matter how much they wish they could take back their actions. 
              Ignorantly throwing away the natural gift of child baring amd regretting it is an act of arrogance and plain selfishness that follows. Also there is a popular trend of pro choice which is infact hiding the inhumane and cruel reality trending of proabortion with a beautiful and less disturbing catch phrase. Personally, I am pro life but i am not against contraception with justifiable causes. However, family planning is not a reason for abortion or contraception but its should result in abstainance and pro life in my opinion.

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