Monday, March 14, 2016

Shame on recent actions by protestors

Alright I am not trying to puts words in others mouths or to promote anyone. But being an observant citizen of the US, i would like to voice my opinion as it is one of my rights.

About the presidential race, The republic we live in was found on the expectations that the republican form of government will be elected and constitute of virtuous citizens who have the betterment of the nation and not the individual in mind.

That is selfishness, special interests lobbying and all the other propaganda jargon that we see in elections since the forming of the "two parties: republican and democratic" are anything but what the country was founded to be.

To go even further back, religion is what found this nation. It was expected to serve as the "city on top of hill" as an example of spiritual and economic prosperity to the rest of the world. Like a new Jerusalem.

Political correctness and liberal ideas have cancerous divided and deepened the racial, religious and ethnic rifts. From abortion to "you name it", inclusiveness had become the new term to discriminate against those who remain loyal to their own opinions and creed.

Separation of church and state has become more like driving the church out of the states. Any moral sentiment that remain in the hearts of our people are being drained out with pop culture and other desensitizing agents;

I can go on for weeks about the issues we are facing. Let me get back to my main point. what the hell Americans? Freedom of speech is a fundamental right. it is a right to any inhabitant of out country. Whether it be Donald Trump or you yourself. He has every right to speak his mind.

Protests against him speaking, is nothing but a clear inhibition of an american citizen exercising his fundamental rights. whether he is guilty of stirring up the crowd by voicing his views which apparently aligns with the views of thousands of other Americans.

How many of you "anti fascist activists" have actually sat through and heard the unedited, multiple hour long speeches by Donald. Oh wait, i forgot, ain't no body got time for that. All you want to do is join in on the action and satisfy yourself by being part of what the popular media tells you as the "right thing to do."

What was that? hm... interesting... you don't want trump to win so no one else should either? is there anything more of a betrayal of the cause than denying the rights of some to provide the same rights to others?

Everyone should be given an opportunity to chose for themselves. don't let you prejudice chose whats right for others. because thats what fascist do.

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