Monday, March 14, 2016

Shame on recent actions by protestors

Alright I am not trying to puts words in others mouths or to promote anyone. But being an observant citizen of the US, i would like to voice my opinion as it is one of my rights.

About the presidential race, The republic we live in was found on the expectations that the republican form of government will be elected and constitute of virtuous citizens who have the betterment of the nation and not the individual in mind.

That is selfishness, special interests lobbying and all the other propaganda jargon that we see in elections since the forming of the "two parties: republican and democratic" are anything but what the country was founded to be.

To go even further back, religion is what found this nation. It was expected to serve as the "city on top of hill" as an example of spiritual and economic prosperity to the rest of the world. Like a new Jerusalem.

Political correctness and liberal ideas have cancerous divided and deepened the racial, religious and ethnic rifts. From abortion to "you name it", inclusiveness had become the new term to discriminate against those who remain loyal to their own opinions and creed.

Separation of church and state has become more like driving the church out of the states. Any moral sentiment that remain in the hearts of our people are being drained out with pop culture and other desensitizing agents;

I can go on for weeks about the issues we are facing. Let me get back to my main point. what the hell Americans? Freedom of speech is a fundamental right. it is a right to any inhabitant of out country. Whether it be Donald Trump or you yourself. He has every right to speak his mind.

Protests against him speaking, is nothing but a clear inhibition of an american citizen exercising his fundamental rights. whether he is guilty of stirring up the crowd by voicing his views which apparently aligns with the views of thousands of other Americans.

How many of you "anti fascist activists" have actually sat through and heard the unedited, multiple hour long speeches by Donald. Oh wait, i forgot, ain't no body got time for that. All you want to do is join in on the action and satisfy yourself by being part of what the popular media tells you as the "right thing to do."

What was that? hm... interesting... you don't want trump to win so no one else should either? is there anything more of a betrayal of the cause than denying the rights of some to provide the same rights to others?

Everyone should be given an opportunity to chose for themselves. don't let you prejudice chose whats right for others. because thats what fascist do.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Random things that came to my mind after watching BajiRao Mastani

I was told about the movie by some people I know. They said it's a must watch movie and the cinematography was awsome. So I decided to go and watch the movie on Sunday December 2015. The movie started an my initial reaction was "it's just gonna be another movie about some prince falling for a princess... cliche."
   Then, I was suprised. The love story depicted was so realistic and digestable. There were many unrealistic scenarios. However, The movie is after all not historically accurate. It has very good plot development and Ranveer as well as Priyanka and Deepika were fantastic in their respective roles. The music was captivating and so were the choreography and settings.
         Few scenes in the movie are so emotionally overwhelming. I couldn't control my emotions. Coodos to the director and scriptwriter(s). The movie gives a lot of good messages and points out some things that our society (not just Indian but global) needs to either hold on tightly to or move away completely from. Holding on tightly to religion is good because if one truly studies religion, all religions preach love for fellow human beings. Moving away from fanaticism is necessary because we are all God's children and I believe that God doesn't see people by their religion rather He sees them by their humanity and the divinity and dignity within. Neither Cast nor Status exists in the eyes of God.
  God is Love. Love is divine. Love is eternal. But then again, what is love?
Is it the desire to capture someone else's body and mind for self enlightenment? Is it sacrificing oneself for someone else? Is it the one night ordeal that you never forget? Is it the person you regret meeting? Is it the person you wish you had met?
    who is God? What does he feel like?Is there truth? Isn't everything subjective? questions after questions.... flood my mind. This is what I know Everyone feels right in their own mind. There is an inherent truth, whether one chooses to accept it or not. That is why there is we all cry out for justice. If everything was subjective then there will be no need for laws.
            You might be wondering what does this have to do with the movie. Let me get back to it and it will make sense. Priyanka/Kashi is loyal, loving and shows a dignifiable character throughout the movie. From the way she is concerned for his well being to the way she treats her family. Deepika/Mastani falls for a married man and shows how powerful of a motivation, True Love can be. She is willing to endure any hardships for the sake of her Love. Ranveer/BajiRao is the brave and mighty leader who knows no loss except for when it comes to Love. He was defeated by Love. He was torn to shreds by his dilemmas.His Family and society are to be blamed for the mishaps. His Family and the Priests, Holding on to their fanatic traditions and pseudo moral codes.
    It is funny, how The empire shown in the movie is so much in line with our society Today. How everyone wears a mask of political correctness, while underneath everyone hates everyone else and is waiting to strike down the successful man for the tiniest of mistakes. How everyone is blinded by their religion or lack there of. How everyone is looking for Love but doesn't want to give any. How color and size of wallets marginalize people. How certain things are lawful for some while illegal for others.
       How people cheer anyone who give things to the poor while crucifying those who advocate for removing poverty as a whole. How the rich donate to diseases that could affect them and are praised by all in the process while the poor die of poverty and no donations are made for that. How everyone sticks to their bubbles and state I haven't found anyone in need.
            Society doesn't need to change. I need to change. Every I needs to change. What needs to change? How  will it change? You already know. 

Monday, October 27, 2014

my lait view

During the recent synod of bishops, called forth by Pope Francis to discuss about the Familial values and cultural shifts and how to effectively guide the church through the turbulent times, sparked a lot of controversy among the global community. The Pope was quoted saying "who am i to judge them?" regarding gays and homosexuals, in many news media. However, the fact of the matter as I deduced from just a little research into the topic, is that the quote was used out of context so as to feed the media and gay lobbyist needs to attack the Catholic faith and Christians as a whole. The Pope’s original words as per the news release by the BBC and confirmed by the Vatican was "If a person is gay and seeks God and has good will, who am I to judge them?" This quote was made regarding the ordained men of God such as priests who had homosexual tendencies. Because, I belong to the youthful and spiritually immature and ordinary laity, I am not going to comment on anything about what authentic catholic faith should be. However, I am going to express my opinion about Homosexuals and the Homosexual Act.
I will be using the Bible as my primary source of moral guidance as all Catholics and Christians are expected to. When a Christian hears about anything even remotely related to homosexuality, the first thing that comes to his/her mind would be the old testament reference from the book of Leviticus 18:22, which says that "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination." and Leviticus  20:13 “"If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them." I am not expert on this topic but, the church as whole emphasizes the inerrancy of the bible even if not everyone agrees on the historic accuracy of the recorded events.
However, many people are ignorant and aren’t aware of the new testament references to the act of homosexuality. In 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God." Romans 1:26-28, says that "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.  And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper."
It doesn’t really take a biblical scholar to interpret the meaning of the verses quoted above. Any Christian can discern from what is said in the bible, that the homosexual act is an abomination and one acquires death by doing so. But, St. Paul says in his letter to the Romans 2:1-3 that “while not everyone sins so crudely, everyone violates standards they consider just” Since God is such a perfect being that any sin, no matter how small or big it is, should be the same before his eyes.
From the book of Genesis we can learn that God, the most Holy trinity made man in their image. Saint Augustine reminds us, “If you believe what you like in the gospel, and reject what you don’t like, it is not the gospel you believe, but yourself.” I once read a post on Facebook from that “There are few better tests for whether or not someone lives a life in submission to God than what he or she does with their sexuality. Sex is such a powerful and meaningful desire that to give it up and obey God in that area is a true sign of worship.”
Personally, I have nothing against people with homosexual inclinations, but I don’t want to conform with sins that they commit by acting on the homosexual inclinations. I know it is hard for many to understand the fact that love is not equivalent to sex and how much sex you have in your life doesn’t equate to how much love you have for each other. I just want to encourage my fellow brothers and sisters to realize that being a Christian and moreover a catholic is never an easy thing to do and it will never be. But we need to proud and grateful parts of the body of Christ, the church, and “be the church that moves the world rather than one that moves with the world” as the famous theologian G.K Chesterton once said.
I think as Christians we need to first realize the blessing that we have and realize that as Christians we are essentially called to be Christ’s followers, which means we have to take up his cross and suffer a lot. I do understand that being true to faith isn’t always the most comfortable thing in today’s society where everyone is so sensitive to truth and Christians are always slandered for everything that we believe in. As any ethicists would agree, disagreements between people about something isn’t proof of the nonexistence of an objective truth. We as sons and daughters of God and followers of His son Jesus Christ, our savior, we are called to live a righteous life in Him. We will be made perfect through him and not our deeds. It is His Grace that saves us. Since, St. Paul says “the wage of sin is death” let’s all chose eternal life in God than damnation through sin.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Feminism? or Female dominance? or just another western cultural invasion gone wrong?

First of all this is a disclaimer that the article you are about to read is not inviting any attention or quarrel from anyone regarding this matter and any emotional or mental offenses acquired by the audience is not of concern or responsibility to the author. Don't read if you don't want to and no one is forcing you to. if you want to comment, do so amongst your friends and family. Any constructive criticism is welcome and appreciated. cynical morons are not welcome and advised to stay away from engaging in useless debates as, this is the authors personal opinion that may or may not reflect the societies perspectives on such matters. All things said and done, Have a wonderful life.
    So Feminism, that is what I want to discuss about in this article. The theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes is deemed the reason behind feminism. Using common sense one can think that his emerged during the times when industries were budding up and women actually started to be part of the non domestic workforce. Yeah, I do agree that times were hard back then for women especially when the men were off at war or something else, and not taking care of the households or their children properly. This was also the time when the traditions and morals were beginning to devolve. Domestic violence was up until then not even a concept because that was normal and just a part of life for women and men. The world population was not as high as we have today. This doesn't mean that domestic violence is a good thing, in fact it is awful and incredible disrespectful but i don't know why people talk about it as if every Indian household is a breeding ground for it.
    There was not much opportunity for people to be educated or mass media to promote awareness. People just were beginning to realize the perks of having independent and self governed political bodies rather than kingdoms and empires. However to make these all possible everyone had to have the right to opinionate themselves and women were part of this "everyone". But then again psychologically speaking women are more aggressive and emotionally unstable than men and a bit too irrational at times. This is what might have lead to the emergence now popular open relationships, sleeping around to empower the feminine and find the perfect match and other insanely ironic stupid practices.
        These so called new generation feminists are not practicing what they preach, rather what they are showcasing is a desire to actually enforce a female dominance instead of a feminine and masculine equality. They ask for equal treatment but set the social standards as the males being responsible for chivalry and knightly behavior meanwhile women are encouraged to act like their male counterparts or absolute B*****s rather than the ladies they are meant to be. Feminism was not intended i think, to be a platform for women to do everything that they wanted to do but to establish a standard for everyone to follow in case of fundamental and individual rights.
        The so called wave of sleep around feminism started hitting the Indian society along with the rise of metro cities and globalization as well as western education. Indians as far as I have observed since my teenage years, have a nasty tendency of assimilating and practicing every trashy culture as well as barbarity that's being thrown up or excreted by the western society and making that the pop trend. I mean come on fellow Indians we are not in the 1700s any more to be fascinated by the shiny skin and pale nature of the westerners. You my brothers and sisters have a very beautiful, very historic, very ethical, very holistic set of customs, traditions and social norms that have fascinated countless historians and philosophers. Yet we consider or social ethics and morals as uncivilized and primitive because some foreigners think so? How intelligent are we?
    I mean we are proud to call ourselves the smartest and highly talented group of people on this planet yet we let some white trash guide us in our morals and ethics. I mean seriously have you not learned anything from the fall of all those F***ing so called superpowers and the delayed but imminent fall of some of the UN top countries which i know you who which ones I a referring to without even mentionig. So what i ask you my brothers and sisters is try to make patches to the existing culture rather than chase a culture that has proven multiple times to have failed miserably in being what it promised to be.
    I grew up and I still am proud to be part of a culture that regards women as mothers and sisters and goddesses rather than B*****s or H**s or mere friends with benefits. What i have realized over the years is that no man wants to marry a woman who has been around and used up and same goes with women not wanting men who have been fooling around. Why do we have these double standards? Bad boys/girls for dating and having fun with but then when it comes to serious commitments and marriage we all want that virgin of virgins/safe man. Then at the end all blame goes to the men. If the wife cheats its the man's fault, if the man cheats its still his fault, if the woman isn't chaste it was the man's fault, if the man isn't chaste its still his fault, if the man is well mannered and decent its his fault, if the man is too outgoing and play boyish its still his fault, if a girl becomes a s**t its the guys' fault. So unrealistic double standard. Women are advised to not trust men and men advised to trust women. I say if you want equality for real you gotta lose the double standards. You either a hoe or loyal lady. There is no loyal hoe. same with guys, you either a gentle man or a player.
      Any one can be stupid and irrational but it takes real character to be wise and rational in life. It upto you and you alone to chose what you want to be and what you can be. Don't let the society or anyone else chose it for you.
    My sisters please stop this false propaganda that we as men are the only ones guilty of objectifying you when the truth is you yourselves are doing a majority role in it either knowingly or unknowingly. Just think about it for at least a minute. Think about the logic and please do comment. I would love to know everyone's perspectives on this issue and further uplift my awareness as well. Thank you for your time and brain power spent on this article. Again I say that this is not targeted at offending or hurting anyone.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Something doesn't read to add up.

you can find this story on- Read it on Indian Express mobile app

Saturday, November 23, 2013


Pope John Paul II had said that the bed of a married couple becomes and altar. They become one flesh and one body. One soul and one mind. The first time when both the male and female are completely vulnerable and naked, becoming part of God's plan. The purpose of reproduction and sustenance of human life and humanity.
            Now, i am not going to be talking about marriage or sex life or the twisted relationship between the two. I am going to be talking about my views on contraception. A few centuries ago or even a few decades ago, being pregnant before being married was frowned upon. In the early and still existing Jewish and Muslin traditions, contraception is not promoted and followed. This practice was mainly to ensure the upkeep of the Holiness and integrity of the marriage institution and the sex involved.
            Sex was meant to not be the driving force behind people getting married rather, it was designed as a lubricant or bond that held together the intimacy and trust and mutual surrendering in between couples. Raising kids and passing on traditions was the prime intended purpose behind the establishment of the marriage and family institutions.
              People can argue saying that families are not really necessary for the development of a child as we can see from the examples of many nobodies who became somebodies in life.But do all nobodies became somebodies? Human beings are biologically animals but the arguments basedbon general animal behaviour comparisonnis not valid as we are mentally nd psycjologically alienated from the rest pf the  organisms in known existence.
              Homosexuality is infact observed in animals. But don't cats follow lazers nd dogs fetch stuff? Don't monkeys imitate people? Don't rabbits hump anything? It is humanity that makes us human not the animostiy or the barbaric and self pleasing acts and the so called basic instincts. And the term basi insticts has even lost its true meaning. The basic instincts are the ones that are basically absolutely necessary to ensure the survival and existence. Which include but is not limited to hunger, thirst, security and reproduction.
            Sex is just a constituent in biological process that leads to a healthy relationship and is not intended to be a mere means of pleasure. Man becomes just another animal and not humane when sex is objectised. It is not a commodity of trade, it is not to be gambled with. Scientifically its proven that during sexual activity the brain produces certain neurochemicals that creates a bonding between the parties involved, this biochemical and psychological bond is what keeps married couples close.
                 Even though, unintentional and unwanted, adulterers and victims of sexual exploitation also experience this unbreakable link formation. Almost as if a part of eachothers souls get exchanged between the partners. Contraception just prevents the physiological aspect of the chemical bondage.
            Also having the contraceptive option has a direct and indifferent effect on objectivising women and antifeminism.Also, the health risks that relate to th consumption of these contraceptive pills or sypplements. The effects of these contraceptive could even result in infertility very long after the usage of them as missfortunate wanna be mothers who can never bare children no matter how much they wish they could take back their actions. 
              Ignorantly throwing away the natural gift of child baring amd regretting it is an act of arrogance and plain selfishness that follows. Also there is a popular trend of pro choice which is infact hiding the inhumane and cruel reality trending of proabortion with a beautiful and less disturbing catch phrase. Personally, I am pro life but i am not against contraception with justifiable causes. However, family planning is not a reason for abortion or contraception but its should result in abstainance and pro life in my opinion.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Recent Same-sex Couple's Issues - IMO

So the other day in my religious studies class, my professor was talking about how religion, especially Christianity have been against same-sex marriages and trans-genders. He said that it is about time that the church changed its view on homosexuality since the society back then didn't know that homosexuality was a certain type of human nature that the individuals were born with and it has nothing to do with choice or pressure. 
                   Just to avoid the moaning and groaning and extreme anguish against me as a person let me make my stand clear before i move on with this blog. I was born and raised by good christian parents in the Roman Catholic tradition. I have been taught just about the same things as every other kid/ catholic - my age - about the dos and donts in the path to eternal life. I have went astray from my faith numerous times,, have questioned many of the churches views and even its authority. But this blog isn't about it. This blog is about the issues and what i think about it. I believe that according to the bible, homosexuality is wrong and i accept it and i also do think the same. However, I do not hate the homosexual, i dislike the "act of homosexuality." I do not and would not promote judging the individuals and stereotyping or discriminating against them,  because to me GOD IS THE ONE AND ONLY TRUE JUDGE. I ask others to do the same as well if they want to be treated with respect and dignity and kindness as they seek to be.
                     Now getting back to the topic. the recent Gay Rights bills proposal and the supreme court cases have stirred up a lot of debates and discussions, both on and off media and politics. I think that the issue is not "marriage" but "rights." I support equal rights for everyone. But as far as i know,"marriage" was and is not a right! It is just a privilege, just like a drivers license or a boating license issued by the proper authorities. Most people don't really think about it like that when the issue really comes into play. Also, the problem that Gay couples and transgender couples struggle with the most is "equal socioeconomic benefits" such as tax cuts, employment benefits, etc. 
       Like I said earlier, marriage is not a right and since it is not a right it is upto the authorities to determine the qualification. Ever since human history started, or based on the history lessons i have had there has never been a report of any religion on this planet supporting Gay marriage and just because their leaders dont say or express their dislike about the practise that doesn't mean that they are pro-gay. And Christianity is the only religion that is being crucified for this firm stand. Yes, CRUCIFIED by the very same society who murdered JESUS CHRIST, the very same JESUS WHOM THEY PRAISED 5 DAYS BEFORE. Just like what mark Anthony and Brutus manipulated the masses of Rome, the masses of today are manipulated by mere ignorance and narrowness of thought. Minds are like attention deficient monkeys on  drugs, hopping from thought place to another. 
     To the people who argue that homosexuality is a genetic trait, can i ask an honest question? Do you guys agree to the act of pedophilia ? IF not why? And what did the society think of abortion before it was legalized? what about after it was legalized? What do you think about incest? I mean psychologically every human is attracted to the parent of opposite sex! think about that. 
      I think that the proper authority to issue the "marriage license" would be the religion that the "couple" belongs to. Based on my research and conversation with friends from multiple religions i have come to the conclusion that as of right now no religion accepts gay unions as marriages. However, the government can still give the couple permission to a "civil-union" and make amendments to grant the same  benefits to these couples as well, thus assuring equal rights. I think that is the best solution. 

Again not making any offensive statements or suggestions but some honest thoughts and I am sorry if it emotionally hurt anyone.Thank you for your time,If you have anything to say about it please feel free to do so. You can inbox me, follow me on twitter or facebook.